he following presentation is a distillation of a project that
has been in the making for over 17 years.
premise (then and now) is that the real decision makers in the world's economic,
educational and political systems, do NOT get the information that they must
have to bring about the changes that they know are needed.
They also lack
the foresight to be sufficiently respectful of the liability that lies
latent in the thought process they are limited to using in their attempt
to try and resolve critical issues.
This all pervasive condition
because the questions being used to generate relevant information (on multilateral issues)
are themselves a victim of the segmented world view from which they originate.
Hence, the
answers provoked by them can only be marginally applicable to the problems to which they
are intended to bring resolution. To put it bluntly, the global community has been asking
itself culturally biased questions and therefore getting culturally biased answers.
This statement is not intended to be a reflection upon the decision
makers and their frequently brilliant staffs; but rather on the basic methodology
currently being applied to information gathering, its correlation, and the eventual use of
this data in the decision making process. Is there a more comprehensive alternative?
Most definitely! And, this new innovative
approach has now garnered significant support within the international community.
Questions are a bridge between that which is known and that
which has yet to become known. As such, they naturally provide insight into problem
resolution. However, they must be properly phrased to do this effectively.
When it comes
to issues of domestic concern, each nation has a historical understanding of precedence
and generally acts accordingly. However, when it comes to questions of global import, no
such guideline exists. To offset this lack of understanding, we need to identify
legitimate areas of internationally shared concern and then assemble an integrated
database of questions, and associated response, that truly reflects
global thinking on these problem areas.
By doing that, we achieve two very important benefits that are not
currently being exploited. First, we gain immeasurable insight into the current thinking
of other cultures on potentially problematic issues. Second, we obtain a series of
potential solutions -- since solutions are naturally contained within all relative
undeveloped questions.
Once this database is functional, it will provide the world
with culturally specific information relative to critical issue resolution.
This in turn
will allow world leaders to determine the actual viability of any particular alternative
to solution in a meaningful time frame -- as opposed to any hypothetical
imagining that linearity might otherwise suggest is a possibility.
This capability (to function in real time with
calculated accuracy) is crucial to maintaining international equilibrium in a world that
is being technologically driven toward immediacy. A place in which the
human person is functionally obsolete.
I am prepared to present a
more in depth explanation of this project to anyone willing to legitimize
their request. See Contact information for