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Mohonk Consultants

Lake Mohonk
New Paltz, NY  12561
PH:  845.256.2726
A. Keith Smiley (1910-2001) - Founder /Chairman Emeritus

In Memory A Keith Smiley was a member of the Society of Friends, a Quaker.  He was a man who lived and acted upon his principles.  He was never limited by his geographic roots or his local responsibilities.  His main goal in life was to bring  people of diverse perspectives together in order to effect a clearer understanding of the interrelationship of all life on earth -- with emphasis on the sustainable use of the earth's resources, including its people. 

He counseled in his writings that one should "Perceive problems as opportunities, have abundant expectancy rather than specific expectations, and believe that there are more excellent ways." (excerpt from The Importance of Networking).  "If you would be a leader, learn to lead from behind, by means of awareness more than by command. If you would know the message of the hills, leave your auto habits behind you. Walk the trails. When you are brought close to the elements the mind clears."  (excerpts from The Importance of Walking).    

Service: Keith was active in many local organizations along with international ones.  He was founder and served on the board of directors for Mohonk Trust (now the Mohonk Preserve).   He was a member of the advisory board for the Institute of Development, Planning, and Land Use Studies at SUNY New Paltz.  He was also on the board of Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, IN.  He served on the Friends World Committee, Section of the Americas (1962-82) and was clerk of the Committee on Sharing the World's Resources (1973-82).  He was directly involved with the New Call to Peacemaking, a joint project of the Mennonites, Brethren and Quakers (1977-79).  

He was Clerk of Ministry and Counsel (1960-1962), Chairman of the Committee for Study of Faith and Beliefs (1959-63); Chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Book of Discipline, Faith section (1959-63) -- for the Religious Society of Friends.  He was also on the Committee for Quaker House -- a retreat for UN delegates and the Committee on the Revision of Human Rights Declaration, and Rights of the Child through the Quaker United Nations Office.

He counted among his friends a countless number of ambassadors as well as key organizational people at the United Nations.  In addition, his NGO contacts were truly extensive.  He was a thoughtful, caring individual with great insight and used his resources wisely in service to his fellow man.  He will be sorely missed. 

Mohonk Consultants continue to uphold the exemplary ideals that Keith Smiley lived by throughout his long and productive life.

1.  "There will be no real peace and justice until all people are free of hunger, basic disease, and the threat of annihilation -- and people have the right to be involved in their own decision making process.

2.  "The well being of all people and the well being of the planetary ecosystem cannot be dealt with separately."

3.  "Achievement of the process of self-determination by local groups or country-wide and world wide assemblies require a special style of leadership."  

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