The Theoretical
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Qualified Opinion


The following material contains a brief explanation of the thought process that led to the discovery of the basic premise upon which the Eden project is founded.  I'm referring to the defining of "certainty."  Its importance to human understanding is evident in the comments offered by the many scholars who have reviewed it. 

Instead of wrestling with the divergent conclusions that unfortunately continue to plague our honored disciplines, this material focuses on the commonality of structure (in thought) that they inherently share.  It thus represents a distinct departure from conventional thinking.  I have elected to refer to this difference (or the defining of the essential elements of process as opposed to conclusion) as "Knowledge theory."

Being new to form, this approach requires some forbearance.  However, I am certain that most individuals that are willing to take the time to consider this material will come away feeling that it was time well spent.


heory is an attempt to explain the relevance between oneself and the many ideas we entertain.  Its application is either present or future.  This causes theory to be of two natures -- practical or idealistic.

Practical theory is concerned with immediacy and hence tangible results.  It employs quantitative or linear thinking to promote its cause. Its value lies in its ability to facilitate problem solving.  In so doing, it serves the purposes of human survival.  This contributes significant weight to its importance.

Idealistic theory is concerned with ideas that are timeless and hence less tangible.  We experience it by hypothetically extending idea into the field of possibility -- where 'possibility' is delimited by our understanding of unity or unobstructedness.  Idealistic thought employs qualitative thinking to promote its cause.  Its value lies in its ability to transcend immediacy and the relative experiences that comprise it. This makes it easier for us to control dependencies and reach more encompassing conclusions about the meaning and purpose of life. By becoming more objective, we can then better optimize the realization of our true potential.

Practical thought takes but one form which then varies in complexity.  Optimally, it's function is governed by the rules of formal logic. This provides relative consequence to the conclusions it promotes.  The ability to confirm result in separated perceptions of space /time reinforces its validity.

Idealistic thought comes in many foci, from the obvious to the mystical.  Which is most applicable for whom is determined by where one is in their physical /spiritual development.  The older the soul, the more subtle is the interrelationship between the ideas that one holds to characterize the unity of self across all possible manifestations of space /time. 

I've elected to make these distinctions to arouse an awareness in the reader that should help in their comprehension of the following material.  In short, one needs to understand that there is a necessary interdependency between the practical and idealistic capabilities of mind.  Discard or impede either and you do so at your own peril.  

Beyond this basic admonishment, there is little doubt that the focus of the scholar is far more discerning  than that of the lay person.  This clearly prevents a single thesis from satisfying both groups.  This is particularly true with regard to the delineation of foundational issues central to human knowing.  That's because these ideas are far more subtle and hence complex by way of their very nature.  

As a result, this material is destined to have its complex moments -- even though I have tried to separate the scholarly stuff from the main body of this text as best I can.  Therefore, if you find yourself confused by any portion of the following material, skip over that part and try reading another section.  In most cases you should be able to begin again and find information that will be useful to you in your search for greater understanding.

Let's begin by taking a basic look at the importance of the discovery of 'certainty.'  To do so, we need to consider the current state of humanity along with its most pressing needs.  

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